Comment devenir imbattable avec sa mémoire

What if I told you that in a month from now you will be able to memorize a pack of cards by just looking at it once, and that you will be able to do that in under five minutes, with a little bit of training.

And what if I told you that, that is all the knowledge you need to fundamentally understand how your memory and your brain works. And that knowledge will then help you in your everyday life whether it comes to remember people’s names, commit important information to memory and then do it as a presentation at work. Or if you’re a school child who wants to score perfect on an exam. And what if I told you also that this knowledge implemented in schools would change the way we see the school system, not only in Sweden but in the whole world.

My name is Idriz Zogaj. I’m a memory athlete. I’m not some kind of a superstar or anything. This is my alter ego.